STAAR 3-8 (AD1)
Statistics below include results from first administration of the STAAR 3-8 tests for all students tested at the campus,
regardless of their PEIMS location in the fall. "Passing" means meeting the Level 2 (Satisfactory) standard from the first phase-in,
which is in use for 2012-2015. "2016 Standards" means meeting the Level 2 (Satisfactory) standard that was raised in
2016. "Advanced" means meeting the Level 3 (Advanced) standard, which remains the same each year and is not being phased in.
Each link below contains all schools within each feeder pattern in PDF format

STAAR 3-8 (AD2)
Statistics below include results from second administration of the STAAR 3-8 tests for all students tested at the campus,
regardless of their PEIMS location in the fall. "Passing" means meeting the Level 2 (Satisfactory) standard from the first phase-in,
which is in use for 2012-2015. "2016 Standards" means meeting the Level 2 (Satisfactory) standard that was raised in 2016.
"Advanced" means meeting the Level 3 (Advanced) standard, which remains the same each year and is not being phased in.
Each link below contains all schools within each feeder pattern in PDF format

Statistics below include results from STAAR EOC tests for students testing for the first time. Spring retest results
are only included if the student first tested in the fall. "Passing" means meeting the Level 2 (Satisfactory) standard from
the first phase-in, which is in use for 2012-2015. "2016 Standards" means meeting the Level 2 (Satisfactory) standard that
was raised in 2016. "Advanced" means meeting the Level 3 (Advanced) standard, which remains the same each year and is not being phased in.
Each link below contains all schools within each feeder pattern in PDF format
